Orders ship within 48 hours on business days and after that, your order will arrive within 3-5 business days.
As soon as your order ships from our warehouse, you will receive a shipment confirmation email with your tracking number. You can click on the tracking number on the e-mail received to view the status of your shipment.
You can exchange your order within 15 days of receipt or request a full refund of your purchase.
You can only exchange your item for a different size or color, not a less expensive or more expensive item.
Otherwise you can ask for a full refund and start another order. See the question “How can I change my order?”.
All our pieces are “garment dyed” with natural products or with a low dyeing process, so each garment may have a different color detail.
This is what makes our pieces truly one-of-a-kind.
You may notice a slight loss of color after washing and drying.
This is given by the treatment used, is not aggressive or done with chemicals, so it’s less strong, our garments needs care and attention.
We recommend washing your garment hand-wash or if you don’t feel sure about it, bring it to laundry and ask to wash it by hand, this two way of washing are the only options to keep it looking its best and to reduce fading.